Welcome to St. John Lutheran Church

Common Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is Church?

When we gather together we do so to worship God, build up one another in faith and encourage each other to share God's love with the world. How do we do this? There are a number of things that you will see and hear - singing, praying, reflecting, and listening. Everyone who comes connects with God in different ways, so we allow space for individual as well as corporate response, always asking the questions - What is God saying? How am I going to respond?


For those who are committed to Christ, there is always the opportunity to receive communion, remembering all that Jesus has done for us through taking bread and cup, and during this time, for all who would like to receive prayer there are dedicated prayer stations with lay pastors ready to pray with you.

What about the kids?

Children are always welcome as we gather together, and there are other opportunities for them to be growing in faith with you through Family Faith Formation.

Is there a dress code?

Please don't feel like you have to dress in a certain way to join us for worship. God welcomes you as you are, and so do we - there is no dress code!

If you have a question we have not answered above please contact us and we would be happy to answer it.