Welcome to St. John Lutheran Church

Loving Neighbor

Looking OUT as we share the gospel

The Church exists for Mission

Mission is defined in the dictionary as "a specific task with which a person or group is charge." Mission is not just part of what Church does, it is the reason for Church - it is the task for which we have been built, and so our outlook on mission needs to be exactly that - OUT-looking!


Our aim is to have every aspect of St. John ministry include this outward focus, and seek God on how we are able to get involved with what he is already doing in and amongst us to spread the Good News.


Through partners in ministry, community and mission we strive to develop relationships, locally and globally, which help to share God's love and the echo in his kingdom.

Living an OUT Life

Sharing Jesus with the least, the last and the lost

God holds the whole world in his hands, and we are but a part of it. As followers of Jesus we take up the call to share the love of God with the whole of his creation.