Welcome to St. John Lutheran Church

Following God

Looking UP to guide our everything

What is Worship?

Worship is the laying down of our own agenda and entering into the presence of God in order to respond to what he is doing in our lives and the world around us.

At St. John we believe that worship should:

1. Position God's people

Our worship leaders (liturgical, musical, and otherwise) are here to help us adapt an appropriate posture for entering into God's throne room.

2. Create a response

We come to worship in response to the goodness of God. Worship is much more about what we offer that what we receive.

3. Lead to lasting change

God's grace is poured out on us as we receive Word and Sacrament, both of which should compel us to align more with his will over and above ours.

Living an UP Life

Following God and Putting Him First

Jesus said when you pray, not if you pray. The expectation is that we come to him and spend time with him and our heavenly Father.


There are many different ways in which we can pray and there is no "one-size fits all" model, but an UP life is more than prayer (speaking and listening) it's worship.


Please visit our resources page for ways to engage in relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Be blessed and continue to grow in him who is the source of all life.