Welcome to St. John Lutheran Church

Family & Children's Ministry

Family Faith Formation

Equipping families to make disciples

Family Faith Formation strives to:

  • Share the love of Jesus with the next generation
  • Engage children and families together as they grow in knowledge and faith
  • Nurture disciples who love Jesus and can then nurture other disciples 


Through exploring God’s Word, heartfelt discussions, and fun activities—we want kids and everyone to know:

  • God loves and cares for you each day
  • Jesus wants to be your friend, no matter what
  • The Holy Spirit can give you strength, direction, comfort, and peace

What, Where & When

Family Faith on-line - 1st Saturday of the Month, 10am on Zoom

Children's Church - Sunday during The Gathering

High Schoolers - Sunday after The Gathering

Got questions?

Please get in touch if:

  • You want to know more about FFF
  • You want to find out about visiting St. John with children
  • You're interested joining the team and sharing the gospel with families and children.